How To Make Sweet & Tangy Chicken Adobo Recipe Quickly? 


The national cuisine of the Philippines, the Filipino Chicken Adobo recipe, can end up being your new favorite Asian chicken meal! With only a few common ingredients that you probably already have, this dish is really simple to prepare and results in juicy, delicate chicken covered in a sweet and savory glaze with tiny bursts of peppery spiciness.

This is a dish for chicken thighs; chicken breasts cannot be used in place of the thighs!

What is the Chicken Adobo Recipe?

Our rendition of the traditional Filipino meal known as chicken adobo is ready to provide a major spark of excitement to your midweek dinner plans. 

It’s quick, simple, and full of flavor. Since chicken adobo is an effortless meal, even the most traditional and genuine recipes revolve around ease of use! Adobo sauce is a powerful and simple sauce that combines salt, sweetness, and acidity. To make it, simply marinate the chicken for at least 90 minutes before dinnertime, since it requires a minimum of one hour in the marinade. 

The Ingredients

For this dish, chicken thighs are what you should use—you need some robust chicken fat in there, so resist the urge to utilize chicken breasts here, please. Beyond that, though, the secret to a great chicken adobo recipe is the precisely balanced adobo sauce. What then goes into making adobo sauce? We’re delighted you inquired! I think adobo sauce is quite easy. 

It kind of hits all four major flavors hard and fast: sour, sweet, savory, and salty. It seems to be screaming for the chicken thighs to get flavorful—OR ELSE! To be honest, we adore it. All required to prepare the most delicious chicken adobo sauce is listed below: 

  • White vinegar
  • Fresh garlic
  • Soy sauce (or tamari)
  • Brown sugar
  • Black peppercorns
  • Bay leaves

Steps To Make

This chicken adobo dish marinates the chicken thighs for a long time and then simmers them until they are fully cooked. This results in chicken thighs that are bursting with flavor when it’s time to serve supper. 

How To Make Sweet & Tangy Chicken Adobo Recipe Quickly? 

Although this dish doesn’t save a ton of time, it is quite simple to prepare; just make sure you have a nice, large pan on available. This is how to prepare our recipe for chicken adobo: 

  • Give the chicken thighs a minimum of one hour or up to three hours to immerse in the adobo sauce. Because white vinegar is quite corrosive and will start to affect the feel of the chicken thighs after a few hours, we set a restriction on the marinating time. 
  • Give the chicken thighs some color! It’s not necessary to fully cook them; instead, aim for a lovely golden-brown hue with a somewhat crispiness. 
  • After adding the marinade, cook the chicken with the sauce. Boil until the chicken becomes cooked thoroughly and the sauce has decreased by 50%. 

If you want more recipes: 

How Does The Recipe Taste 

The coating used in the Chicken Adobo recipe has a unique soy flavor and is both sweet and savory with a bit of acidity. 

Together with the bay leaves, the garlic and onion provide a savory basis, while the peppercorns offer tiny, delicate bursts of spice.

There are peppercorns in this, so don’t be frightened! Both the length of the cooking duration and the intensity of the sauce’s flavor moderate the spiciness, turning it from a potent spice to a flavor enhancer.

And lastly, the actual chicken. The cooking time makes it tender. Boiling chicken thighs in the sauce for 25 minutes results in thighs that are so soft inside that they almost seem as though they have been slow-cooked for hours. Chicken thighs only take around 7 minutes to brown on the stove.

What To Serve With It 

Maintain the traditional look! The traditional Filipino technique of serving chicken adobo is to place it on a large bed of properly cooked white rice, top it all with lots of freshly cut scallions, and drizzle it all with adobo sauce. 

This is the time for your rice cooker to make an impact if you have one. 

But it’s okay if you don’t! You may use this rice cookery approach on the stovetop by only omitting the garlic powder, zest, and lemon juice. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is adobo seasoning made of?

A versatile dry condiment combination called adobo is frequently used in South American and South African cooking. Typically, it contains black pepper, cumin, oregano, paprika, onion powder, and garlic powder. 

Which vinegar is best for adobo? 

Sugarcane or coconut oil vinegar is used natively. I decided to use rice vinegar for my dish because it has a somewhat milder flavor. However, the reality is that I’ve prepared a ton of excellent last-minute adobos using white vinegar, apple cider, or a mix of anything I had left in my cupboard. 

Is adobo healthy or unhealthy? 

Delicious and nutritious, the chicken adobo recipe is a Filipino cuisine that is high in protein and contains important nutritional elements. To get the most from the meal as part of a harmonious and healthful diet, pay attention to portion sizes, the kind of meat utilized, and the amount of salt in it.

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