Make Nutrient-rich Grilled Corn Salad At Home


This grilled corn salad isn’t like the others! Many corn salad dishes go for a creamy, overly sweet taste, but I prefer to allow the delightfully savory, scorched flavor of the grilled corn to take center stage. 

Naturally, I also include a few surprises! While giving a peppery bite, freshly minced ginger balances the sweet content of the corn. 

The spicy depth that warm cumin adds counteracts the sweetness of the corn. Cucumber offers a refreshing element, while dill and cilantro offer further refreshment. It pairs well with all of your favorite summertime main dishes, such as seared salmon or skirt meat, because it is flavorfully robust without being overly restrictive.

The Main Ingredients of Grilled Corn Salad

All you need for this easy-to-make summertime salad is a few basic ingredients. What you’ll need is:

  • Corn. Seek for tightly wound brilliant green husks surrounding each ear. The silk that protrudes at the top, known as tassels, should have a light brown or yellow hue, appear wet, and have a fresh appearance. Steer clear of maize that has dark, dry, or squishy tassels. Furthermore, there should be no mushy places or areas where corn kernels are missing; the seeds ought to appear full and strong.
  • Carrots. They add crackle and provide vibrancy. 
  • Cucumber. It has a revitalizing effect. British cucumbers are worth searching out for their delicacy and soft skin, but if you possess a regular cucumber that you want to slice, make sure you remove it first.  
  • Herbs. This dish has a pleasing freshness that is enhanced by the dill and cilantro. I wouldn’t exclude them or use dried beans in their place. However, you may substitute delicate herbs that appeal to you, such as mint or basil.
  • Shallot & Garlic. To balance the sweet taste of the maize, they provide a strong sweet, and savory flavoring.
  • Vinegar. For equilibrium, this grilled corn salad requires a low pH. Although I like the richness of wine vinegar, you may use almost any wine vinegar alongside fresh lemon or lime juice in this recipe. 
  • Olive Oil. Use a mild to medium-strong olive oil, or go for a stronger one, such as a peppery one. 
  • Seasonings. Spiciness is added by the new ginger and cumin. The taste is enhanced by salt. 

Ingredient’s Substitutes

Since corn tends to be sweet, I try to find savory ways to combine it with it while frying it for a salad. I sometimes prefer creamy, garlicky, nutty sauces. However, I intended the corn to be the main attraction of this recipe, so I used warmth as an alternative strategy.

When discussing European and Middle Eastern food, “warming flavors” are frequently mentioned. Spices that make you feel warm in the belly, like nutmeg and cinnamon, work well in both savory and pleasant recipes. Natural ginger and cumin are the two main components in this dish that combine to provide a strong warming effect.

In addition to adding warmth, cumin imparts a spicy, earthy flavor. A dash of surprise and a burst of spicy heat are added by fresh ginger. When combined, they offer an intricate heat that is both very fragrant and subtly yet boldly flavorful without overwhelming the corn.

If you want more recipes: 

Steps To Make Grilled Corn SaladMake Nutrient-rich Grilled Corn Salad At Home

The most difficult part of preparing corn salad is de-seeding the corn. But fear not—I have a helpful tip for you! The processes are as follows:

  • Four ears of corn should be husked, the silk removed, and a little coating of olive oil applied. After the grill has been heated for approximately ten minutes, place the corn onto the grilling surfaces. Cook, turning to char on all sides. In all, this should take ten minutes. Put aside until it cools down.
  • Place a tiny bowl inside a larger mixing basin and invert it. Raise one ear of corn and place its tip over the little bowl located in the middle of the mixing basin. Gently remove the kernels off the stalk using long, horizontal strokes with a pointed blade, collecting them in the wide basin. 
  • Take out the tiny container and add the diced English cucumber, sliced carrots, crushed garlic cloves, half a cup of chopped parsley or cilantro, and half a cup of shredded shallots or red onions. Add a generous pinch of salt, along with a tablespoon of cumin and shredded ginger for seasoning. 
  • Toss the salad with a generous amount of extremely virgin olive oil and two teaspoons of red wine vinegar. Mix until well ambivalent.

How To Mix It Up?

This salad may be made with almost anything in place of what you have or prefer. Several concepts:

  • Add Feta
  • Up the Protein
  • Use Frozen Corn

What To Serve With It?

You should always have the barbecue going when serving this grilled corn salad, I believe goes without stating. Fish patties, seafood sticks, or vegetarian kebobs cook beautifully on top of it.  

Combine with chicken wings for a take on a traditional American barbecue with a European flair. Strawberry Shortcakes would be a great dessert option. 

How To Store?

Once seasoned, this corn salad can be preserved in the refrigerator for approximately two days when stored in a sealed bag. It stays fresh for around four days if left undressed.

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