Make The Vibrant Summertime Peach Salsa In Just 2 Steps


This vibrant and sweet peach salsa has a kick of spice and zest from the combination of two of summer’s greatest fruits, tomatoes and peaches. 

This gorgeous salsa tastes great over tacos, barbecued fish, summer salads, or even just by itself alongside a few chips or crispy veggies.

This salsa is tasty and fresh, perfect to pair with any seasonal veggies you have on hand. After they are past their prime, dulcet ripe plums, nectarines, and apricots can be substituted for peaches.

Discover how to prepare this colorful salsa for summer while discovering an all-new way to eat luscious, succulent peaches. 

The Ingredients

Nothing matches the brief peach season, which spans from the end of spring through summer. It is at this time that the peaches will taste the finest and be ready to use in recipes.

Here’s what you need: 

  • Peaches. Fresh peaches work finest in this salsa, but if you must use frozen peaches, let them thaw in the refrigerator overnight and drain well before combining the ingredients.
  • Tomatoes. A staple of salsa, tomatoes share the spotlight with peaches in this recipe. In the summer, both are succulent, dulcet, and mature, making them the ideal couple. 
  • Lime. Both the new lime juice and zest are needed for this dish. Lime juice will enhance the flavor of the salsa while also preserving its fresh appearance and taste. Try lemon instead of lime if you don’t have any or don’t like it.
  • Onion. With their strong taste, onions may provide the salsa with a refreshing bite that counterbalances the fruity flavor of the peaches and tomatoes. Although the recipe asks for red onions, which will give the salsa a beautiful hue, you may use whichever onions you happen to have on board. 
  • Cilantro. Salsa benefits from the aromatic sharpness and vibrancy that cilantro brings, although some people find it overpowering. Parsley works well as a replacement.
  • Serrano. You can have moderately spicy or hot salsas. This is where your salsa will turn out. In case you don’t own a serrano pepper, jalapeño would also work effectively.
  • Topping. A splash of salt will not only help the salsa feel better but also bring out the inherent richness of the fruit, making the peaches and tomatoes taste more delicious.  

Method For Piiting Peaches

Before incorporating the peaches into your salsa mixture, you should peel and cut them. But fear not—removal of the pits doesn’t have to be difficult!

Scrape the flesh surrounding the pit with a knife after slicing the juicy fruit in half to eliminate the pit. It ought to just slip out.

If you want more recipes: 

Steps To Make The Peach Salsa

Make The Vibrant Summertime Peach Salsa In Just 2 Steps

Salsa is the easiest thing ever to make! Salsa doesn’t need to be cooked at all. Simply combine all the divided components in a basin and mix well.

  • Chop all ingredients to a uniform size. To get a smooth mix, start with the larger components (peaches, tomatoes, and red onions) and chop them roughly into the identical size. 
  • When everything in the container is equally covered, you may add the cilantro, serrano, lemon, salt, and paprika. before serving, give the salsa one last toss because they are rather sweet fruits and their juices may settle. 


The one provided for peach salsa is delicious as given, but there are so many more ways you could make it! Please feel free to modify it. Here are the suggestions:

  • Sliced ripe mango can be used in place of half the peaches to create a peach and mango salsa. Strawberries, pineapple, and/or nectarines would also make wonderful complements! 
  • Add a serving of prepared black beans to the salsa for more body.
  • Add a little pinch of chile powder for flavor.

How To Serve?

Allowing the salsa to remain at ambient temperature for a minimum of five minutes before dishing will let the aroma and taste combine and the tomatoes and peaches shed their juices. Serve chilled as a garnish for grilled seafood or tacos or as an accompaniment to freshly made tortilla chips.

How To Store? 

It’s finest to eat this salsa fresh. However, you may extend leftovers for a few days. Keep refrigerated in a glass Mason jar or a sealed container like Tupperware. To add color and refresh the salsa before consuming it, you might like to sprinkle it with some fresh lime juice while you’re eating the leftovers.

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