Grilled Mediterranean Vegetable Skewers


2 zucchinis, cut into thick slices
red bell pepper cut into gobbets
unheroic bell pepper cut into gobbets
red onion, cut into gobbets
mug cherry tomatoes
8- 10 rustic skewers, soaked in water for 30 twinkles
soupspoons olive oil painting
2 cloves garlic, diced
tablespoon dried oregano
tablespoon dried thyme
swab and black pepper to taste
Juice of 1 bomb


Preheat the caff according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
In the food processor, combine the olive oil paintingdiced garlic, dried oregano, dried thyme, swabblack pepper, and bomb juicepalpitation until well combined to produce a condiment.
Thread the vegetable pieces onto the soaked rustic skewers, interspersing between zucchini slices, bell pepper gobbetsred onion gobbets, and cherry tomatoes.
Place the vegetable skewers on the preheated caff and brush them freehandedly with the condiment.
Grill the skewers for about 10- 12 twinklesturning sometimes, until the vegetables are tender and smoothly scorched.
Remove the skewers from the caff and serve them hot with your favorite Mediterranean- inspired sauce or dip.

Enjoy your succulent Grilled Mediterranean Vegetable Skewers with your favorite side dishes or as a standalone mess!

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