Make the Sparkling Cherry Limeade at Home


Attention, fans of Sonic Cherry Limeade! You can make this authentic Cherry Limeade recipe at home without having to use a drive-through. Discover how to prepare fresh cherry syrup, limeade, and other summertime favorites.

The Uplifting Summer Drink

When I was working in my native town, I used to treat myself to a Dieting Cherry Lemonade at happy hour at the nearby Sonic simply because I was (and still am) all about pampering myself.

I can state with certainty that I consumed plenty of cherry lemonade because those days were the majority of the days.

And this handmade limeade, cherry? surpasses them in every way.

To me, cherry lemonade simply tastes like summer. Because it is crunchy and just a touch sweet without being too sugary, this is one of the most hydrating beverages.

Why I Love This Cherry Limeade?

Before we begin: No, to get these tastes, we are not utilizing a jar of maraschino cherries or frozen limeade concentrate. Friends, this limeade is made with genuine limes and cherries.

It’s even better since you can prepare the homemade cherry nectar ahead of time (with real cherries!), and then store it in the refrigerator for those late-afternoon pick-me-ups throughout the whole season.

This recipe is perfect for sipping at any time of day since it strikes a beautiful balance between sweetness and acidity.

The Ingredients for Cherry LimeadeMake the Sparkling Cherry Limeade at Home

  • Rubber Spatula
  • Jigger
  • Citrus Juicer
  • Cutting board and knife
  • Saucepan

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Granulated Sugar: 

This sugar is also referred to as white. There’s no better option when it comes to sweetening our seasoned simple syrup than this one.

  • Lemon-lime Soda: 

Make use of your preferred brand. The important thing is to keep it bright and cheerful! Ginger ale might also make a great substitute, albeit it will somewhat alter the flavor profile.

  • Water: 

All kinds of water would be suitable!

  • Lime Juice: 

Juice it fresh, so take out your juicer. This significantly alters the flavor of the lime, so please avoid using the shelf-stable kind.

  • Cherries: 

Since fresh cherries are in season right now, I utilized them in this recipe. If you are unable to obtain nice juicy cherries at the local supermarket, you may employ frozen cherries.

Steps to Make the Cherry Limeade

  • Get everything ready! Cut your cherries in half and remove the pits. Although you will need a cherry pitter, you may just as simply cut them in half with a paring knife and remove the seeds. Since I don’t have a cherry pitter, I do that.
  • Prepare the syrup made from cherries. This is flavored simple syrup. The syrup and water should be warmed over medium heat. Until the sweetness is entirely dissolved, stir the liquid regularly and let it bubble slightly without bringing it to a raging boil.
  • After adding the halved cherries, let soak at room temperature for one hour. Why do we act in this way? The syrup’s color will shift and the flavor of cherries will seep in!
  • Give it a rest. Place the cherries and the syrup in a mason jar and refrigerate. Because the sugar solution keeps the cherry fresh, these may be stored for weeks at a time. They’re also a great garnish!
  • Stir together the cherry juice. Fill your glass with crushed ice first. (This does indeed make a difference.) Then pour the lime juice and lemon-lime soda over it, followed by the cherry syrup.
  • Add a lime wedge and a cherry, either fresh or from the syrup, as garnish. Savor right now, and cheers!

Some Relevant Queries

These are a few of the most well-known queries. Additionally, having the answers is essential.

What ingredients are in a Sonic cherry limeade?

A cherry lemonade, described by Sonic, consists of lime, lemon-lime soda, ice, cherry flavor, and a cherry garnish. This recipe is an adaptation that uses real cherries to make a handmade cherry syrup.

What is in dietary cherry limeade?

I would use a low-calorie lemon-lime soda to turn this beverage into a dieting cherry lemonade.

Is it possible to utilize iced cherries in this syrup?

if the store doesn’t carry fresh cherries. After the sugar dissolves, drop the chilled cherries into the basic syrup and let them marinate for one hour at ambient temperature before putting them in a glass container.

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