Prepare The Brilliant Ramen Egg Recipe For A Quality Breakfast


This easy, adaptable, and delicious jammy ramen egg recipe goes well with anything, even your ramen bowl! They’re sweet, salty, rich, and full of savory flavor! Soy sauce, mirin, and one unconventional secret ingredient make up my easy preparation for these ramen eggs!

What Are Ramen Eggs?

Soft-boiled eggs stewed in a blend of sweet-salty soybean paste and mirin are known as Japanese ramen eggs, or ajitsuke tamago (also called ajitama, soy sauce eggs, shoyu tamago, or shoyu eggs). 

Ramen eggs get their distinct umami flavor and their distinctive brown hue from this marinade. Naturally, people also like to top their noodle bowls with ramen eggs. One of the ways I like to eat soft-boiled eggs is with seasoning or marinade. I’ve tried a variety of flavored egg preparations; two that I particularly enjoy are pickled eggs and Chinese tea eggs. 

However, my favorite food has always been this Ramen Egg recipe. And with a worthy cause. They are straightforward to create and full of flavor. We always have ramen eggs in the refrigerator. 

My spouse enjoys hard-boiled eggs for a quick breakfast or snack, while I adore soft-boiled eggs. Thus, seasoned eggs are also usually present, eliminating the need for us to bother about salt and pepper when enjoying them as a quick meal.

Why We Love This Ramen Egg Recipe

It’s for a few reasons like:

The Flavour 

It just takes two hours at the very least to soak the eggs in this ramen egg sauce because of its strong umami taste.

Sometimes I marinate the eggs for up to a full day, and when I do this, the flavor seems to seep into the egg yolk! Because of this, the yolks taste especially thick and jammy, almost as though they were conserved.

Although marinating them for at least two hours is preferable if you’re in a rush, I do advise putting them in the refrigerator for at least overnight. 

The eggs can then be placed in a sealed bag and kept in the refrigerator for a maximum of five days.


This flavored ramen egg recipe has a very straightforward basis, but you may add additional spices to the marinade. To effectively infuse the spices into the liquid, you must heat or simmer the combination if you’re adding other tastes, such as star anise, garlic, ginger, or other spices.

All you need to do to make this quick sauce for these ramen eggs is combine soy sauce and mirin; there’s no need to heat it. However, occasionally I would add a little cayenne pepper for a punch.


One way to prepare the marinade is to not heat it at all. The dressing and eggs take on extra flavor and color thanks to the dark soy sauce. However, you may also warm the marinade slightly to intensify the taste if you’d like. 

You don’t have to hang about for the eggs to fully cook since they bake more quickly because they simmer in boiling water. rather than letting the eggs stay in boiling water or frying them in cold water. 

Additionally, you may soften the marinade with water to allow the eggs to absorb the taste over longer period intervals and more gradually. This will allow the eggs to remain in the marinade for prolonged. 

If you want more recipes: 

The Ingredients

All you need for this ramen egg recipe is:

  • Large Eggs
  • Mirin
  • Regular soy sauce
  • Dark soy sauce 
  • Additional spices 

Steps To MakePrepare The Brilliant Ramen Egg Recipe For A Quality Breakfast

  • Fill a big saucepan with water first. This water can be either hot or chilly. Ascertain that the water degree is at least one inch above the eggs and that there is sufficient water to allow the eggs to sit in the dish with some space. Set the pot’s temperature too high and let it come to a boil. Additionally, add some vinegar or salt to the water. If there are tiny pores in the water, the egg whites won’t seep out because of the salt or vinegar in it. If the breaks are large enough, though, this won’t stop the egg white from spilling.
  • Take the saucepan off the burner for a little while after the water is boiling. This will cause the water’s bubbles to momentarily decrease. Drop the eggs into the boiling water now, very carefully. Replace the top while bringing it back to a boil after adding all of the eggs. To prepare the eggs, reduce the flame to a stew and set a timer to run. The eggs are less likely to crack from scuffs and bumps throughout this cooking procedure.

What must be the cooking time? 

  • When making soft-boiled ramen eggs, time is everything! Delicious, jammy yolks are the key to excellent ramen eggs. Not quite set, but not too fluid either. Eggs baked at the ambient temperature should have a set white but a runny yolk after 6 minutes. To avoid overcooking, the eggs must be chilled down rapidly after baking.
  • The instant the eggs are submerged in the cold water bath, they cease to cook. The ice bath may be prepared while the eggs are frying. Remove the eggs gently when they’ve cooled. These eggs are more malleable than hard-boiled eggs, so be careful not to break them when peeling them.

How To Marinate the Eggs?

  • Now, combine all marinade components. Verify that the marinade has come back to ambient temperature if you boil it. Make sure the eggs are completely immersed when you place them in the marinade. To ensure that the eggs are well marinated, you might need to shake them up now and again.
  • The eggs will marinade and color well in approximately two hours because of the black soy sauce, but you may leave them in for more time. Add a little liquid to the marinade if you intend to marinate the eggs for more than eight hours. By doing this, the eggs won’t get overly salty. You can now consume the eggs as you’d like!

How To Serve & Store

You should always try this ramen egg recipe with ramen! Cut one egg in halves and arrange it in your preferred ramen. These seasoned eggs make a great side dish with any type of ramen, including chicken, pork, or quick stir fry. Additionally, ramen eggs are a terrific snack when eaten on their own or with bread. The eggs should be kept in a tightly sealed container or refrigerator for 5 days. The eggs can be kept in the marinade for the entire five days if you diminish it with water. 

To prevent the egg yolks from leaking out as the eggs marinate, ensure that the eggs are not broken. After around four hours, if the marinade isn’t softened, take the eggs out of the marinade and keep them distinct in a sealed bag.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can you reheat ramen eggs?

Rewarming the eggs can lead the yolks to cook excessively because they are already properly cooked to a jammy uniformity. Therefore, I do not advise using a microwave to reheat the eggs.

On the other hand, if you leave the eggs in the warm ramen soup, they will reheat gradually. Hot water is another option, but be cautious and just submerge it for a few minutes at a time.

Can you make ramen eggs ahead of time? 

You certainly can! You must finish this ramen egg recipe within five days. But keep in mind that the lifespan of any food type varies depending on how it’s stored and how pure it was in the first place. Please throw away the eggs if they have an odd coloring, a strange smell, or an altered texture.

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