How to prepare the Frigid-Sweet Shirley Temple Drink? 


It’s really simple to prepare the iconic Shirley Temple beverage from your youth. This delicious non-alcoholic beverage is ideal for special events. 

The Icy Shirley Temple

I started bringing a can of grenadine, a little lemon-lime water, and a jar of maraschino cherries on family getaways years ago. One of my children’s fondest summer rituals involves going to see Shirley Temples. Isn’t it wonderful how anything so basic can elicit such happiness and wonderful recollections?

Making this beverage for children on New Year’s Eve might be a terrific idea. However, it might be ideal for any formal dining or memorable celebration. To go along with this, I’ve included some entertaining gathering nibbles at the very end of the piece.

The Ingredients

You should have: 

  • Ice cubes
  • Grenadine
  • Lemon-lime soda
  • Ginger ale
  • Sprite or 7up (only if you prefer)
  • Maraschino Cherries

Steps to Make the Shirley Temple

This is only a synopsis of the cuisine.

  • Tip in a vessel of ice. This image that you perceive is a twin. We normally use little cups when I prepare these for the children.
  • Pour the grenadine inside. One ounce of grenadine to four tablespoons of ginger ale or lemon-lime water is the ideal proportion for a Shirley Temple.
  • Add Coke on top. As was indicated in the previous stage, you may utilize ginger ale or lemon-lime soda (such as Sprite or 7UP) for that.
  • Include the maraschino cherries. You’ll need no less than five if you’re anything like me and my children.
  • Include a whimsical straw. Paper straws are a huge hit with my kids. They believe they are the best method to add flair to a beverage.

What is Grenadine? 

Any shopping store’s beverage section sells flavorful simple syrup, called grenadine, which is alcohol-free. The juice of pomegranates was used in the original recipe. Contemporary kinds of grenadine are frequently utilized in cherry cocktails and lack the taste of pomegranates.

How to make Shirley Temple without Grenadine? How to prepare the Frigid-Sweet Shirley Temple Drink? 

Red 40, particularly may be found in grenadine, which might cause sensitivity in certain members of our household. We frequently attempt to prevent it or find an alternative. You might like to try producing a cherry sweetener if you find yourself in a similar situation.

  • Combine 12 ounces of defrosted icy cherries and 1 cup of liquid in an edible processor or mixer until the fruit is extremely chopped.
  • Blend the ingredients, an extra cup of water, and an amount of sweetener together in a skillet over a simmer until they come to a gentle boil, mixing constantly. Allow to gently cook until all of the sugar disappears.
  • After straining the contents, let it chill.

You may keep this handmade maple syrup for up to seven days in the fridge. Alternatively, you may store it in an-ounce portions so you can prepare this dish anytime you feel like it.

Shirley Temple Black (Alcoholic)

You may not be aware, but Shirley Temple Black was this drink’s new moniker after marriage. As a result, an innovative beverage bearing her name was introduced. After adding two ounces of 40% alcohol-containing black rum to the standard drink, it becomes the Shirley Temple Black. 

Untidy Shirley Temple (Alcoholic) 

All you have to do is add a bit of vodka to turn this into a mature beverage. For us, two teaspoons are the ideal quantity, but feel free to begin with just an ounce, flavor it, and make adjustments.

The Ultimate Line

The basic grenadine beverage isn’t alcoholic. However, there are two variants of the beverage that contain alcohol; the recipes for both are mentioned above.

This is a tasty non-alcoholic maple syrup. There have been allegations that Shirley Temple used it as a youngster to help herself. Shirley Temple is cited as saying that she was not involved in the design of the drink, in addition to the fact that she disliked it.

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