Make Buttered Saltine Crackers in just 3 Steps


Although chicken noodles and vegetable soup often pair well with Buttered Saltines, we all comprehend these indispensable snacks are considerably more significant than that supporting role. Saltines become a unique appetizer when coated in butter and cooked, and you’ll desire to prepare them for any event, even a casual evening meal.

Uncover ways to prepare the latest go-to appetizer, the buttered saltines.

What are Buttered Saltines?

A few of us smile nostalgically at the thought of buttered snacks, remembering how we used to always have an armful of saltines and a chunk of butter on board for an after-school munch.

Some admirers of buttered crackers tell stories of dining establishments where personnel greets patrons with an assortment of customized butter rubs and a package of crackers packages encased in gauze as a freebie appetizer.

Others recount consuming salted crackers as their daily dough, pairing them with veggies and sauces. Salty crackers and velvety butter are a winning combination, regardless of the setting or event. It’s this uncomplicated sweetness that entices novices and sustains the loyalty of seasoned pros.

But that’s not what we intend when we talk about buttered saltines. After soaking in heated butter and condiments, these snacks are then cooked one more time until they are affluent crunchy, and creamy. It’s not an expensive appetizer, but those who can sneak a taste will be impressed.


  • 3/4 cup of unsalted butter or ghee
  • 2 normal-sized sleeves of saltine crackers

How to make Buttered Saltines?

Similar to buttered bread or cereal vessels, buttered saltines don’t have a defined technique, though certain individuals elevate the concept to make warm butter-baked saltines.

Although they are commonly attributed to Southern countries and gatherings, the real question is who invented them initially. (But it was most likely a gifted, creative domestic chef who had a perfect understanding of how to turn humble materials into easy meals that satisfy all of us.) Take these actions:

  • Arrange the snacks on sheet pans in just one plane. Set a baking rack in the middle and warm up the oven to 400°F. Place the snacks on a baking dish with a lid.
  • Drizzle the melted butter onto the crumbs. If necessary, use a spatula or dough roller to ensure that every cracker is well coated.
  • Broil until the borders start to brown, approximately eight to ten minutes. Heat up and distribute.

This is a two-ingredient dish that can be made with or without refining the butter that has melted. If you’d rather use refined butter, using ghee is simple and fast. 

Tips for the Best Buttered Saltines

  • To ensure that your saltines are crunchy, make sure you crack them freshly. Although the recipe is meant to make eight dozen crackers, the chef may find themselves consuming half of the platter right out of the oven.
  • To ensure that every cracker is creamy make sure to distribute the butter over them evenly. This facilitates uniform baking.
  • To ensure that these baked crackers remain hot for as long as possible, store them in a bread box or other enclosed bowl. These are going to be popular, though.


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